Share Hairoics, Get Free Stuff

The Mastermind behind it all
Hey everyone, we’re having a great promotion. It’s pretty simple, and it involves you getting something free for doing something you probably would do anyway. What a great contest!
It’s simple. All you need is a Facebook page and a cellphone that can access Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you’re missing out. Seriously, go make one. Then search for “Hairoics” and when you find us, click the “Like” button on the top of the page. And the next time you come in for any of our services or to buy a product over $10 from the boutique, make sure you check in with Facebook Places or Foursquare and share it with your friends. Then you can take a free gift out with you. That’s it.
How much easier can it get? You tell all your friends about your fabulous hair, which you were probably going to do anyway, and you get something for free. Even better, you can attach a picture to your status, so everyone knows how amazing you look as you get something free! Anyone in the salon would be thrilled to take your picture for you.
So come down to Hairoics, get a great look and a free gift for spreading the word on where to find the best hair salon on the Outer Banks!